

Staples can have a pronounced impact on overcoming malnutrition and poverty and coping with climate change. (Image source: Pexels/Pixabay)

Leading agriculture organisations from Africa and Asia have collaborated on major staples products

Increasing adoption of advanced analytics wil improve the yield. (Image source: Bread for the World/Flickr)

The global agriculture analytics market size is expected to grow from US$585mn in 2018 to US$1,236mn by 2023 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.2 per cent, according to the global analytics company ReportLinker

The proactive sharing of Open Data is set to make information about agriculture and nutrition available to deal with the urgent challenge of ensuring world food security. (Image source: Sarah Clarry/Pixabay)

Global Open Data for Agriculture & Nutrition’s (GODAN) chief executive André Laperrière will be joining the board of the EURAKNOS thematic network which is establishing and developing the compilation of knowledge relating to agri-food and forestry data

Technologies play significant role in boosting farming output worldwide. (Image source: viya0414/Pixabay)

As innovative technologies paved the way for smart farming’s emergence in the internet of things (IoT) landscape, LPWAN supplies a range of features in terms of energy consumption and long-range transmission

The events aimed to promote brown rice as an agroenterprise venture and as a healthy option for consumption. (Image source: ehpien/Flickr)

RiceBIS Negros Agrarian Reform Cooperative (RiceBIS NARCO), Sitio Timawa Farming Association (STOFA) and Tison-Aida Farmers Association (TAFA) in Negros Occidental in the Philippines reached a number of stakeholders through the brown rice agro-enterprise day and feeding programme

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