

Guidance on ways to ameliorate poor, infertile soil, with reference to chemical and organic cultivation

THERE IS NO soil in the world that is not able to produce some form of healthy food crop if it is properly understood and cared for.

p>Guidance on ways to ameliorate poor, infertile soil, with reference to chemical and organic cultivation

THERE IS NO soil in the world that is not able to produce some form of healthy food crop if it is properly understood and cared for.

EDS, AN HP company, has worked with Kraft Foods to become the first IT provider working in the consumer packaged goods industry to achieve the internationally recognized ISO/IEC 20000 certification.

p>EDS, AN HP company, has worked with Kraft Foods to become the first IT provider working in the consumer packaged goods industry to achieve the internationally recognized ISO/IEC 20000 certification.

BIOTECHNOLOGY HAS THE power to improve human health, address environmental challenges, and change the way the world does business.

A DELEGATION FROM China’s Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences recently visited Mississippi State University, in the USA, and representatives from both universities discovered interests in many of the same fields of study.

APPROVALS OF BIOTECH crops continued to increase worldwide in 2008. The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) announced recently that 13.3mn farmers in 25 countries grew biotech crops on 125mn ha in 2008.

p>APPROVALS OF BIOTECH crops continued to increase worldwide in 2008. The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) announced recently that 13.3mn farmers in 25 countries grew biotech crops on 125mn ha in 2008.

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