Malaysian farms could turn towards smarter solutions such as remote-controlled sensors, drones and robots to monitor, water and fertilise crops as the country looks to boost food security, according to Science, Technology and Innovation Minister, Chang Lih Kang
ADB investment programme to help grow green agribusiness in Mongolia
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a US$448mn investment programme to support green and inclusive development of Mongolia’s Aimags (province) and Soums (sub province)
Vietnam prepares to cultivate low carbon rice to meet net zero targets
Vietnam is outlining a plan to cultivate one million hectares of low-carbon, high-quality rice in the Mekong River Delta to meet its net zero emission targets
BASF accelerates agriculture transformation with integrated solutions
BASF has presented the latest advancements in its agricultural innovation pipeline of crop protection, seeds and traits, and digital solutions
FAO opens new Representation office in Phnom Penh
The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) announced they have opened a new Representation Office in the Cambodian capital to build on its long history of cooperation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)