Pöttinger has unveiled SYNKRO stubble cultivators and TERRADISC compact disc harrows for modern stubble cultivation
Machinery & Equipment
Smart farming with ‘AI at the edge’
Cambridge Consultants has announced to bring artificial intelligence (AI) to the edge of the network, using low-cost, low-power devices to perform complex machine learning tasks
Volvo Penta unveils electric terminal tractor at TOC Europe
With an aim to provide electrified power solutions by 2021, Volvo Penta has presented an emission-free terminal tractor featuring a Volvo Penta electric driveline at TOC Europe 2019 in Rotterdam, running from 18-20 June
Bühler launches single-screw extruder PolyOne at VICTAM International
At VICTAM International 2019 trade fair, Bühler is showcasing solutions for the entire feed value chain, with a special focus on how to use digital services to make the feed industry safer, and more profitable
Samart’s mechanised solutions for Asian sugarcane farming
Samart Kaset Yont Part Ltd has developed a range of machines with an aim to help Asia’s sugarcane operators to boost output with reduced cost