
FAO to improve food and nutrition security in Nepal

The government of Nepal is implementing a number of initiatives to achieve food security. (Image source: Asian Development Bank/Flickr)

The government of Nepal and the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have signed a five-year framework agreement on technical cooperation and partnership to improve food and nutrition security in Nepal

Senior government officials, development partners, representatives of civil society organisations and private sectors also witnessed the launch.

The CPF intends to help the government achieve three primary goals and enable the delivery of three priority outcomes.

The first is to enhance sustainable agricultural production and productivity, marketing and consumption for the eradication of hunger and malnutrition. The second is to enhance natural resource management and agricultural production systems, making them resilient to climate change and disasters. The third relates to inclusive and gender-responsive livelihoods enhancement and poverty reduction.

“The CPF is important on many levels but primarily because it helps us to reach our critical global goal of SDG-2 – the Zero Hunger Goal, which is a goal the countries of this world have pledged to reach by 2030,” said Kundhavi Kadiresan, assistant director-general and regional representative at FAO for Asia and the Pacific.

Appreciating the initiatives of the Government of Nepal to include the Food and Nutrition Security Plan of Action (FNSPA) developed by FAO as an integral component of Nepal’s Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS) 2015 to 2035, Kadiresan hoped that the FNSPA would not only complement the implementation of the ADS flagship programme on food and nutrition security but would also help accelerate the food-based approaches designed to reduce the rates of maternal and child under-nutrition.