
Planting Profits collaborates with Ag Retailers for 2024 crop planning pilot

Planting Profits unscrambles crop planning. (Image source: Planting Profits)

Planting Profits is partnering with ag retailers who are willing to help their customers evaluate their crop mix choices in a new way, bygiving dealers an opportunity to work with Planting Profits to deliver the new crop planning service for 2024

This service helps growers decide how many acres of each crop to plant and the set of broader management decisions that go with that, and was developed to help growers before they showed up at the dealership. The company’s service is upstream of decisions such as variety selection and other input choices and purchases. For growers, the service improves profitability, helps manage risk, and accounts for conservation practices.

According to Planting Profits co-founder Gary Schneider, most row crop growers face two complex challenges which include:

- Growers not knowing whether or not they have found the most profitable or best combination of crops/fields/acres.

- Unavailability of a digital tool and planning framework that can analyse crop choices.

“Planting Profits addresses these two challenges with a new approach to crop planning and a new toolset," said Schneider. "It includes evaluating a broader set of management decisions that are part of deciding a crop mix. It shows how a decision in one part of the operation affects other decisions and ultimately profit and loss." 

Schneider also mentioned that the software was used prior to field map colouring, crop-specific field activities, variety selection and before orders were taken. He higlighted that the approach was always grounded in starting with the grower’s planting intentions. Moreover, it would also prove to be a great advisory tool for progressive retailers which would give them the opportunity to take their digital service offerings to the next level.

For more information, visit: http://www.plantingprofits.com