
Myanmar to get cold chain logistics service

The new cold storage will have three temperature variations- room temperature, refrigerated and frozen, to cater to a range of products. (Image source: YarluFileBot/WikimediaCommons)

Japan’s Sojitz Logistics has established a joint venture with Myanmar’s Premium Distribution Co. (PDC) Ltd to provide cold chain logistics services from three-temperature logistics warehouses in Myanmar 

The JV is called Premium Sojitz Logistics (PSL), which will develop the warehouses in Yangon City, said Sojitz Logistics.

Due to underdeveloped power infrastructure, most food products in Myanmar would be kept at room temperature but the increase in consumption of refrigerated and frozen food has led to a rise in demand for cold storage. The three warehouses are expected to provide room temperature, refrigerated and frozen conditions to store various kinds of perishable items.

Sojitz and CMHL (City Mart Group Holding, which is handled by PDC) aim to develop cold-storage facilities in Yangon through the JV. PSL is expected to facilitate the active expansion of CMHL in the lesser-urban areas of Myanmar and initiate long-distance cold logistics service through a major route connecting Yangon, Naypidyaw and Mandalay.

Eventually, Sojitz Logistics will also develop two cross-border cold chains connected to its distribution network within the greater Mekong region, said the company.