
EuroTier China to organise a global aquaculture summit webinar on 22 June

Global aquaculture experts will focus on best farming practices. (Image source: StockSnap/Pixabay)

Organised by the DLG, the German Agricultural Society, the online aquaculture summit, to be held on 22 June 2020, will gather aquaculture experts from Denmark, Germany, China and Thailand to cover feed, best farm practice, distribution channels and export trends

The seafood sector relies increasingly on farmed fish to fulfil growing consumer demand worldwide. Aquaculture, the practice of farming fish, has responded to these needs over the last decade by acquiring specialist skills, ranging from reproduction, nutrition to understanding distribution channels and market trends. International expert speakers at the new global aquaculture summit will share their long experience in these areas, appealing to practitioners and companies from aquaculture and also to livestock farmers venturing into aquaculture, a trend particularly common in Europe.

The aquaculture summit, which consists of presentations and ample opportunity to ask questions and interact with the speakers, will equip participants with valuable practical knowledge that can be applied at home.

“We have selected speakers from four countries, which are China, Denmark, Germany and Thailand. Each presenter offers best-practice method in aquaculture and are willing to share their extensive knowledge with the online attendees in a compact programme lasting just two hours,” said Birgit Schmidt-Puckhaber, project manager of aquaculture, DLG.

Attendees to the online aquaculture summit will learn about the farming methods at a large German trout farm presented by a full-time fish farmer Alexander Tautenhahn, member of DLG Expert Board Aquaculture and Trout Farm Trostadt, Germany, who kicks off the aquaculture at 9:30 am (CET).

The knowledge required in aquaculture feed in order to achieve high quality fish is presented by Dr Hanno Slawski, Group and Research Managing Director, Aller Aqua, Denmark.

An introduction into Tongwei’s aquatic feed solutions and an overview of the market in China are provided by Dr Mi Haifeng, director of Aquaculture R&D Department, Tongwei Co, Ltd

Thailand’s competence in aquaculture, which includes best-practice production methods, will be presented in the final talk by Mesak Pakdeekong, director general, Department of Fisheries, Thailand. Export strategies will be also be presented.

The global aquaculture summit webinar takes place on 22 June 2020, running from 9:30 am (CET) to 11:30 am (CET). The aquaculture summit is free to attend.

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