
Veramaris becomes first ASC-MSC certified microalgae producer

One tonne of Veramaris algae oil provides as much EPA & DHA as from 60 tonnes of forage fish. (Image source: Veramaris)

Veramaris has become the first microalgae oil producer for feed to achieve certification to the joint ASC-MSC Seaweed (Algae) Standard

The company responsibly and sustainably produces EPA and DHA Omega-3 algae oil for use in the aquaculture industry as fish feed and pet food. It is the first American producer to achieve the ASC-MSC certification.

Veramaris’ certified sustainable facility, which is entirely land-based, adds an estimated 45% to the global supply of MSC certified EPA and DHA Omega-3 and covers approximately 15% of the global requirement for EPA & DHA in farmed salmon feeds.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), aquaculture is instrumental for meeting the increasing global demand for nutritional food while restoring the oceans’ health. To meet this growing demand sustainably, fish farms need responsibly-sourced fish feed – an ASC-certification requirement. This feed must contain the two vital Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are vital for animal and human health and mostly come from wild-capture fish. One tonne of Veramaris algae oil provides as much EPA and DHA as from 60 tonnes of forage fish.

Patricia Bianchi, ASC-MSC Seaweed account manager, said, “Our oceans are under great pressure to supply fish both for direct human consumption and for feed in the aquaculture industry. We are hopeful that the sustainable and responsible production of Omega-3 from algae will help to relieve some of this pressure on wild stocks and help reduce the risk of overfishing.” 

Karim Kurmaly, Veramaris CEO, said, “This achievement is an imperative milestone on our journey to expand the world’s access to sustainable EPA & DHA Omega-3. We are committed to working with partners along the value chain to bring transparent and sustainable solutions to the industry that results in healthy fish, healthy food and healthy oceans for generations to come.”