

Antibiotic sensitvity and resistance in the petridish. (Image source: Dr Graham Beards/Wikimedia Commons)

Representatives from countries in Asia and the Pacific have pledged to take immediate action to combat the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

The agreement is a clear statement of intent from the State. (Image source: John Verive/Flickr CCBYSA20)

Officials from the state of Nebraska have signed nine agreements to promote beef and pork products in Asia on 15 November

Cattle herds in Indonesia are set to thrive under a new investment scheme. (Image source: Keith Weller)

Small farmers in Indonesia are benefiting from expert advice and new techniques from a grass roots breeding programme 

The US is the only country that currently imports more beef than China. (Image source: kariphoto)

China is seeking to import the high-protein, low-fat meat in bigger quantities from Brazil with the country experiencing a widening production deficit as mports are heading for a record

Cargill is also partnering with Saigon International Terminals Vietnam to build a dedicated grain and oilseeds warehousing facilities in Phu My. (Image Source: wattpublishing/Flickr)

Cargill has announced plans to construct a new US$30mn animal feed mill in Binh Duong province

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