

An optimal stable climate contributes to the health and performance of the cows and the farm. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

An optimal living environment for dairy cattle requires a good climate. After all, a pleasant barn climate contributes to healthy cattle with high productivity

FRAmelco Group operates three plants located in The Netherlands, Spain and Thailand. (Image source: United Soybean Board/Flickr)

Feed additives specialist Bluestar Adisseo Company has signed an agreement to acquire FRAmelco Group, a Dutch feed additive company

Cydectin Platinum is highly effective against major current worm strains in cattle. (Image source: freestocks.org/Pexels)

Animal health company Virbac Australia has launched Cydectin Platinum, the next generation of cattle pour-on drenches

This expanded arrangement increases access for American organic farmers, ranchers and businesses to Japan. (Image source: Alexas_Fotos/Pixabay)

The USA and Japan have announced the expansion of their organic equivalence arrangement to include livestock products

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