
DuPont to demonstrate how to boost swine production at IPPS 2015

Gary Partridge has given many presentations on feed enzyme technology and betaine application in farm animal nutrition. (Image source: DuPont)

DuPont Industrial Biosciences subsidiary Danisco will discuss how feed enzyme technologies can maximise profits for swine producers at the International Poultry & Pig Show (IPPS) at Nagoya City in Japan on 10-12 June 2015

In his talk on 11 June at 4 pm, Gary Partridge, global application leader at the company’s animal nutrition business subsidiary, would demonstrate how feed enzymes have been shown to help producers achieve profitability by tackling pig production challenges including:

• Addressing growth performance issues and disease challenges at weaning and beyond without the use of in-feed antibiotics or with reduced usage.

• Achieving good post-weaning growth which will reduce time to slaughter by 4-5 days for each extra kilogram of bodyweight achieved in the post-weaning phase.

• Dealing with non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) such as beta-glucans and arabinoxylans that are anti-nutrients that interfere with the digestive process.

• Providing good nutrition for the sow during lactation to ensure healthy, high weaning weights in piglets that will grow more quickly after weaning, particularly in warmer climates where the sow eats less.

• Helping producers manage manure issues and avoid costly legislative penalties.

Christina Pang, regional industry leader, Danisco Animal Nutrition Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand, said, “As one of the top ten pork producers in the world, Japan has a great opportunity to benefit from getting healthier pigs to market more quickly.

“With many years of experience and numerous publications including the co-authorship of the textbook Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition, Dr. Partridge can really help guide Japanese producers to use feed enzymes to their best possible advantage. He will also be available to answer any questions on our IPPS stand, D-34.”