
Why high-pressure fans are often used in pig barns

In the central exhaust system, High-Pressure Fans are placed in a roof duct in the ridge of the roof. (Image source: Vostermans Ventilation)

Various ventilation techniques are used in pig barns to raise the air quality in the barns to a desired level

Many of these techniques use a specific type of fan to facilitate the required air movement. A frequently used fan in pig barns is the High-Pressure Fan. In this article, Vostermans Ventilation talks about High-Pressure Fans and why these fans are often used in pig barns.

Fundamentally, High-Pressure Fans are used in:

-High resistance systems

-Systems in which the fans must have sufficient negative pressure or positive pressure build-up at lower power and speed

1. Overcoming high resistance

In most pig barns, each section has its ventilation system, which provides a minimum and maximum ventilation. With a standard ventilation system, the resistance ∆ P Stat to be overcome in the barn can be around 40 Pa and rise to at least 80 Pa (depending on the system). For such systems, we use a standard range of Axial Fans. Examples of this type of fan are Panel Fans and Tube Mounting Fans. There are, however, systems where, among others, air washers, heat exchangers and air filters cause the negative pressure or positive pressure (∆ P Stat) to be overcome to rise well above 80 Pa. For these applications, the company uses High-Pressure Fans.

2. Stable negative pressure when regulating fan speed

As the conditions inside and outside a barn change daily, a ventilation system must be flexible. In addition, growing pigs are also a changing factor. This means that the amount of air must be variable. It is important to dissipate heat, moisture and ammonia, but primarily to supply oxygen. One of the characteristics of High-Pressure Fans is that even when the fan speed is adjusted, they still provide an acceptable pressure build-up. When regulating the fan speed, the flow (M3/h) is linear, and the pressure ∆ P Stat (Pa) decreases quadratically while the power consumption (Watt) even decreases to the third power.

3. Essential for central exhaust systems and air washers

Pig barns often use central exhaust systems and air washers. With these types of ventilation systems, High-Pressure Fans are used for a stable negative pressure in the barn. When the fans are switched on, a negative pressure is created in the barn, which draws fresh outside air in.

In the central exhaust system, High-Pressure Fans are placed in a roof duct in the ridge of the roof. From there, the fans keep the negative pressure in the central channel stable. Through inlets at the bottom of the channel, the various areas are provided with minimum to maximum ventilation. In this way, these areas are supplied with air independently of each other. Furthermore, an air washer can be connected to the outlet side of the group of High-Pressure Fans.

The resistance in the central channel is usually around a ∆Stat of 50 Pa (this value depends on the type of barn). When using these systems, even with speed regulation, a ∆Stat of at least 50 Pa is expected at all times, and a High-Pressure Fan must meet these requirements.

Are you wondering whether a Multifan High-Pressure Fan is the right solution for your application or would you like some additional information about the possibilities? Please take a look at Multifan High-Pressure Fan page or ask any questions you might have to one of their specialists.