
TPI introduces a revolutionary new air inlet

The shape of the house and valve guarantee optimal control under all circumstances. (Image source: TPI)

For more than 25 years, TPI has been a producer and supplier of air inlets, with the experience we’ve gathered we developed this unique design

The shape of the house and valve guarantee optimal control under all circumstances. The combination of design and material quality helps to make this inlet suitable in many different climates.

Minimum ventilation, maximum control

For most farmers getting the minimum ventilation right is a challenge. Minimum ventilation is especially tricky when the animals are still young and sensitive to drafts. The difficulty lies in bringing small volumes of air up to speed, to prevent the air from dropping directly onto the animals. With a minimum as low as 80m3/h at 20Pa the Aeron still guides air upwards to the centre of the house.

The Aeron performs very well at maximum capacity. When animals are heavier or the temperatures are rising, the air jets are directed straight into the house. At this stage, the air is also guided underneath the valve towards the floor of the house. This helps create a wind-chill effect that cools the animals. A great way to transition into tunnel ventilation. At the maximum opening, this air inlet has a capacity of 4400m3/h at 20Pa.