
Case IH delivers 100th Austoft sugarcane harvester in Thailand

The machines will be working from December 2021, right through until April 2022. (Image source: Case IH)

Case IH, along with its dealer Por Tractor, has delivered its 100th Austoft sugarcane harvester in Thailand

The Austoft 8010 model was delivered to Nakornphet sugar mill, which already owned 32 Case IH sugarcane harvesters before ordering a further 20 during 2021, bringing the total to 52 units in their fleet.

Of the 100 Austoft machines delivered in Thailand during 2021, 16 have been Austoft 4000 models, three Austoft 8810 tracked models and the balance of 94 machines have been the Austoft 8010.

Mark Brinn, managing director of CNH Industrial Thailand, said, “The machines will be working from December 2021, right through until April 2022. Case IH and the dealership team in Thailand will be here to support these machines all the way through the season.”

Austoft sugarcane harvesters are world-renowned, with product design focusing on harvest quality and return on investment.

The Austoft 8010 has a superior cleaning system and an elevator developed from decades of experience. This improved quality of harvest is matched with lower operating costs, increased durability, and easier maintenance.