
New Holland’s sprayer toolbar to boost crop growth

Guardian injection toolbar prevents burning of crops by eliminating leaf contact and potential vapor damage of leaves and roots from liquid fertiliser. (Image source: New Holland)

Agricultural machinery producer New Holland has released Guardian injection toolbar to help farmers apply liquid fertiliser exactly where the crop requires it most

Sheldon Gerspacher, crop production equipment segment leader at New Holland, said, “The injection toolbar applies liquid fertiliser between the corn rows and into the soil root zones, precisely where the crop needs it most. There is no burning of the crop, as can happen with ground-applied fertiliser when applied with optimal efficiency to manage input costs.

“It has been well received so far. We are getting a lot of interest and I think our customers and dealers are going to appreciate its ability to add a little more nitrogen when the crop needs it.”

With the injection toolbar, producers can better manage their input costs. They can adjust or increase application rates when growing conditions are favorable. In poor growing conditions, they can forego the cost of applying and wasting expensive fertiliser, added Gerspacher.

The toolbar can be mounted on all Guardian series front-boom sprayers equipped with the Quick-Attach system, which is available as a factory option or as a dealer-installed accessory. The Quick-Attach system allows the operator to quickly switch between the Guardian injection toolbar and the sprayer boom.