
Machinery & Equipment

Traditional rice terraces in South-East-Asia. (Image source: Bühler)

The presence of long impurities in their paddy is one of the most common challenges facing rice producers

The mulch seed drill delivers impressThe mulch seed drill delivers impressively precise seed placement and unique ground tracking. (Image source: Pöttinger)ively precise seed placement and unique ground tracking. (Image source: Pöttinger)

Pöttinger has extended its range of TERRASEM mulch seed drills with the CLASSIC series

Both LION models operate with four rotors per metre of working width. (Image source: Pöttinger)

Pöttinger, the specialist for tillage and seed drill technology, has launched the new LION 403 C and LION 503 C folding power harrows with working widths of 4.0 and 5.0m

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